lol allow me to rephrase this then: if there were a pill offered that will make u not care anymore whether there was another person in the world that cherishes knowledge and finding that person (as u seem to do now) - would you take that pill?
Fool, this is the post that actually has the most comments not made by me. The more general implication is that this is a post that generated discussion.
yes u were. i know i don't.
Like seriously, I cannot find a single person yet who has the values I have.
wow you're on your own there dude =P
and why do i have to enter a word verification when i comment???
...william...obviously not...but the question is, why would you want to?
Because humans can be lonely, too. Though I feel that if I were to meet such a person, he/she would probably more zealous about it than me.
Lilly: Thanks, I thought these verifications occur randomly. I have disabled them now.
well, there's your problem isn't it. you're actually human :)
isn't that the root to all our problems...sigh.
Sorry Steven, I did not understand what you said at all...
Funny though... a post that is out of place in the blog appears to be generating more comments...
fool, ur the 1 generating half of these comments.
lol allow me to rephrase this then: if there were a pill offered that will make u not care anymore whether there was another person in the world that cherishes knowledge and finding that person (as u seem to do now) - would you take that pill?
Are you try to de-humanize a person?
Fool, this is the post that actually has the most comments not made by me. The more general implication is that this is a post that generated discussion.
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