Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MFE Exam

So far, the results are satisfactory. I have read over the important chapters multiple times and I am pretty sure I should be able to pass. Nonetheless, I still need to study, because the questions could have unique twists combining topics covering different areas in different chapters of the textbook... which is annoying. Already, I found several questions in the problem set where none of the information were in the textbook or that some of the topics involved were in different chapters than the "necessary" chapters indicated on their study note. I am able to get Monday and Tuesday off, so that would be invaluable. I have a feeling I still need to read up on a few problems and solutions before I am able to attempt any real hands-on questions.

I am quite satisfied that I am able to understand chapter 20 and chapter 24 though! Although mathematically challenging, it had been fun to decipher the concepts behind them, particularly, Ito's Lemma and Brownian Motion.

However, I am scared at the extensive coverage of the material. They even had a question that involved an equation I did not expect to memorize... that is, the Vasicek Model formula. In addition to that, I assume that I would need to also memorize the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model formula. But at least the Black-Derman-Toy Model is more friendly...


Unknown said...

o man, i am SO totally going to fail MFE... i still haven't read through till the end, and i haven't successfully completed any one question... and worst yet, i don't think i really care anymore -_-'

anyways, good luck...

Steven said...

that sounds terrifying and orgasmic at the same time XD